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About Waterville
Community Connections

Waterville Community Connections strives to promote local businesses while supporting community events in Waterville, Kansas. Board members represent businesses throughout the community. 


Our Mission Statement:

To unite and build all aspects of a thriving community, by promoting partnerships between businesses, organizations, residents and schools.


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About Waterville, Kansas

Waterville, Kansas, is a beautiful small town located in Northeast Kansas! It was founded in 1867 as the western end of the Atchison & Pike’s Peak Railroad.  Cowboys on the Chisholm Trail drove cattle to the railroad terminus.  Though it began as a rough cow town, Waterville is known today for its unique small businesses, beautiful Victorian homes and the preservation of the town's history, including the Opera House, Weaver Hotel, and Central Branch Railroad.

Meet The WCC Board

WCC Committees 

Our organization has four main committees: 

  • The Beautification Committee, led by co-chairwoman Tammy Parker, has focused on dressing up Commercial Street with hanging baskets and seasonal décor, as well as the Welcome to Waterville signs. They are open to any suggestions to help improve curb appeal. However, they are not responsible for privately owned property. 

  • The Business Committee, led by chairman Karl Prinslow, will work towards supporting and promoting the current businesses by providing advocacy, showing appreciation, and welcoming any new businesses into the community.   

  • The Events Committee, led by chairwomen Darla Dick, will help plan any Event that the Community wants to have. Current events include: Easter Egg Hunt, Case Race Fund Raiser, Nickel Day, July 3rd Celebration, Autumn Flannel Fest, and Christmas on Commercial Street.  We are always open to new suggestions. 

  • The Tourism and Publicity Committee, led by chairwomen Ann Walter, will continue to promote tourism in Waterville, emphasizing our exciting Historical Attractions. They have worked hard to publicize all the events that we have had throughout the year with posters, newspaper, and radio announcements. 


Waterville Community Connections


PO Box 301

Waterville, KS  66548



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